Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Whithersoever Thou Goest

Today was hard. Like, the kind of hard that has you walking around with a lump in your throat and crying on the living room floor when it’s finally over. The kind of day that has you convinced you can’t do this, you’re the worst, you’re a terrible mother. I tried to draw strength from somewhere, but I was drawing from an empty cup.

Turn it upside down and shake it, not a drop would come out.

And I realized... I’ve been focusing on my health, what I eat, how I’m sleeping, taking care of my body and my mind. I've been trying to focus on relationships and connecting and speaking love to my kids and my husband (failed at this today - it felt like every word that came out of my mouth was venom).

Meanwhile, I’m not taking care of my Spirit. And if you aren't taking care of your Spirit, well, everything else is bound to fall apart. I’ve been going through the motions of reading my Bible every day, trying to get in a whole prayer before I fall asleep at night, but I haven't really been talking to God and I haven't really been sitting still long enough to listen for Him.

So here I am again. Wandering around in the wilderness. Because people never learn. 

I'm sitting here wondering how I can get up and do this all again tomorrow. And God whispers, "Ask me."

"...for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest." - Joshua 1:9

I heard Him earlier in a song that I had never heard before. I started crying at this part:

"Allow Me to introduce Myself again
I was with you every place you've ever been
I'm the One that held you when you couldn't stand
If you're wondering who can heal your brokenness, I can
I can"

He is with me. All I have to do is remember that my strength doesn't come from me, it comes from Him. All I have to do is ask. And I can face the challenges of tomorrow, and more importantly, I can be open to seeing the beauty in all this mess, which is something I can't do when I'm stuck inside my own head, wallowing around in my miry pit.


  1. Your blog is beautiful because it is true...I know it is because the Spirit filled me up as I read...I can relate to the living room floor...If I am not supposed to comment here, please excuse me but I so can relate...

    1. Thank you! Of course you can comment. This is probably the best one I could receive! <3

  2. I can relate to these words also, as HUMAN Christian’s it is a struggle every day. I go to church, read my bible and pray, not as much as I should like most. I then go to my job on Monday morning and the devil jumps in the middle of it. Then I find myself in the clean utility room,crying and made at myself because Im not handling things better.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you for taking the time to read it. :)

  4. Thanks for sharing Sarah. Sounds like to me you are wise beyond your years. Sometimes we loose site of who we are and have to sit back and look within, let the Holy Spirit guide
    You. Not saying it's easy
    ----just saying it's real!

  5. I loved this. I have back problems and trouble walking some. But without Him I could just give up but every day I say to him keep pushing me Jesus, keep pushing me. And you know what? He does every time!

  6. Thank you. It's easy to get discouraged. I admire your faith.

  7. I can totally relate to the human experience and the difficulties of this life that can make us feel crushed at times because we get caught up in it and forget what we know to be true. This reminds me of something Jesus said many times over and over...the kingdom of God is within you. Search within and find the strength God provides always.
